Manage Users
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Manage Users
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In Users tab is list of users for your organization. If you want change your settings, visit My Profile.
For each user you can preview following:
User Name
Display Name
Creation Name
To find user easier you can sort the list by User Name and Role or use the Search bar above the list.
You can create a new user with User or Manager role.
User Name - only alphanumeric characters and dash allowed
Display Name - name displayed in upper right corner (upper/lowecase and spaces allowed), optional
E-mail - new user's e-mail address
Token will be sent to the provided e-mail address and it expires in 3 hours.
Token redirects the user to the page, where a new password will be set.
Role - choose between Manager and User role
Use pencil✏️in Projects column to assign user a project and update your changes.
You can assign a project to user with User role only.
You can also assign the project to the user in Projects.
User Name - change user's name
Display Name - change name displayed in upper right corner (upper/lowecase and spaces allowed)
E-mail - change user's e-mail address. User will then use this e-mail to login and can confirm the e-mail in My Profile
Role - change role from user to manager. The change cannot be undone because you can't change manager's role
Force User to Reset Password - user will be automatically logged out and receive e-mail with reset password request
User Disabled - logout and lock the user
You can delete a user only with User role only.
If you want to add a new user usebutton in the upper right corner.
If you want to delete some user, use the bin icon.