Kubernetes Profiles
Add New Profile with various features
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Add New Profile with various features
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Select organization for a better overview of Kubernetes Profiles.
Each Profile is characterized by ID, Name, Organization Name, CNI (Container Network Interface), Octavia, Proxy on Bastion, Projects and Actions.
Expand the table to see the last modification (Last Modified and Last Modified By).
You can create a new profile where you can enable a few features, which you can customize with CNI plugin.
Organization - choose organization for your profile
Profile Name - name for your kubernetes profile (3-30 characters)
Exposes the Service externally using the load balancers from OpenStack.
Enable Taikun Load Balancer
Manage your traffic, only available for OpenStack and Octavia disabled.
Exposes the Service on each Node's IP at a static port, the NodePort. You'll be able to contact the NodePort Service, from outside the cluster, by requesting <NodeIP>:<NodePort>.
Allow Scheduling on Master
Schedule Pods on control-plane node to maximize resource usage, but we do not recommend it
Choose this profile with enabled features during project creation.
/ Un/Lock the profile to dis-/enable it from drop-down selection when a new project is created, you cannot lock default profile.
Delete the profile if it is no longer needed. Only profiles with no associated projects can be deleted. You cannot delete default profile.