Project Details - K8s

By clicking the selected project you are redirected to the Servers. Here you can see all servers for the project with their description.

Project Info

Under Servers title is a brief description of a project - such as Project Name, Project Status, Cloud Type, Kubernetes Version, Access Profile, Cloud Credentials, Kubernetes Profile, Alerting Profile, Policy Profile, Access IP Address (if you use this address to ssh connect, please do not use user ubuntu, it's in use by Taikun for managing the cluster) and Kubernetes Health. Some of these include links to e.g. cloud or profiles.

You can also see here ETC=Estimated Time to Complete. It is approx time (in minutes) until the cluster will be completed.


Every server is described by ID, Server Name, IP Address, Flavor, CPU/RAM/Disk Size, Role, Status, Kuebernetes Health, Creation Time and Actions. If you expand the table, you can see the last modification made (Last Modified, Last Modified By).

Server status can be:

  • Deleting

  • Failure

  • Pending

  • Pending Delete

  • Pending Upgrade

  • Ready

  • Updating

  • Upgrading


  • HARD - the power to the system is physically turned off and back again causing an initial boot

  • SOFT - system restarts without the need to interrupt the power

Hard or soft reboot can be chosen only for Openstack.

For AWS and Azure there is only simple reboot available.


Upgrade your version of Kubespray to the latest one. The button is disabled, if your Kubernetes are up to date. Enabling auto upgrade during the project creation, the Upgrade button won't be available.

Enable/Disable Backup

You can Enable Backup if you have added the credentials in Backup Credentials and the project isn't locked. You can do it during the project creation or after the project is created, more info here.

After you enable the backup, you get notified through Notification and you can check the successful status in Kubernetes. In Projects - Kubernetes - Deployment section you should see velero installed

After enabling backup, you should add Backup Policies.

Enable/Disable Monitoring

Be able to see detailed processes with enabling monitoring. After you enable it, which takes up to 5 minutes, you can preview all tracks with Logs button. The tracking starts the moment Logs button is enabled.

You can enable monitoring before project creation or (if you forgot or have changed your mind) whenever your project is created.

Disable function works the same.


Sends the changes to repository.

Once the cluster is committed you will see ETC in project info.


When the server/s are Failed or there is some other problem in the cluster, use repair button.

Attach/Detach Alerting Profile

Attach Alerting Profile if you want to receive a notifications about alerts in your project. Detach if notifications are no longer needed.

Clicking the button you lock a project. You can preview some pages (e.g. Kube Info), but you can't make any changes in the project (see Project Details - Project info).

Clicking the button you unlock a project and enable action buttons.

Add Server

You will receive an error message if no flavor has been bound to your project yet. You can also bind the flavor during project creation.

Use the link to bind a flavor.

Server Name - only alphanumeric characters and dash are allowed, 1-30 characters

Letters must be lowercase!

Disk size - should be at least 30GB

Role - you are able to choose from several roles for your servers, which are set according to Kubernetes settings

Flavor - choose from the list of offered flavors (e.g. n0.xlarge)

  • you can bind the flavors from clouds to the project in Flavor Info

Recommendation for sizing:

  • bastion recommended 2 vCPU + 2GB of RAM

  • masters recommended 4 vCPU + 8GB of RAM

Number of Servers - set number for kubeworker or kubemaster, add odd number of masters (min. 3 for a highly available cluster)

The change MUST be committed.

Kubernetes Node Labels - label nodes where you want to sent or restrict pods; you can add more labels with add label button, for more info see Kubernetes docs

For more information see Creating a Cluster.

Function buttons

Between Project Info and Servers are buttons with specific features or more detailed information.


Delete the selected server/s. You can delete servers to still have a working cluster (1 bastion, 1 master and 1 worker) or delete the whole working cluster.

The change DOES NOT have to be committed.


This button will redirect you to Audit Log with pre-filled organization and project, so you can preview the changes made for the chosen project.


Add a new kubernetes configuration for your profile and project.

Kubeconfig Name - choose a name for your kubeconfig

Kubeconfig Role

  • cluster-admin - perform any action on any resource, ClusterRoleBinding - gives full control over every resource in the cluster and in all namespaces (or in very resource in the role binding's namespace - RoleBinding)

  • admin - RoleBinding - allows read/write access to most resources in a namespace, does not allow write access to resource quota or to the namespace itself

  • edit - allows read/write access to most objects in a namespace, does not allow viewing or modifying roles or role bindings, allows accessing Secrets and running Pods as any ServiceAccount in the namespace

  • view - see most objects in a namespace, does not allow viewing roles or role bindings, does not allow viewing Secrets

For more info, see kubernetes documentation.

Application kubeconfig - choose if kubeconfig can be used by other users (all or managers only) or Personal kubeconfig - kubeconfig can be used only by you (Target User is empty) or choose user you want to create the kubeconfig for

You can see all project's configurations in the table with its ID, Name, User Name, User Role, Project, Accessible for all and Actions.


Kube Info

If Kubernetes is active, Kube Info button will take you to the Kubernetes configuration. For more see Projects - Kubernetes.


You can sort Events by:

  • Search field

  • Filling Start and End Date

  • Tick Only failed to filter failed actions


Preview Kubernetes cluster logs to Grafana.

Logs button is disabled if Monitoring is disabled. To view logs, you must first Enable Monitoring.

Write your query and use Start date and End Date for sorting. You can also expand every message - red is an added action, without color is other log.


First thing when you access Alerts are Firing Alerts. This section is refreshed every 5 minutes, but you can also use the refresh button to see the most updated data.

To see all alerts, use upper right Show All Alerts button. As seen above, firing alerts are marked with red color.

You can silence alert and sort all the alerts by firing, silenced, all or resolved.

Alerts are accessible only if Monitoring is enabled and the project is not empty.

For each alert you can see details and use a link that will redirected you to Metrics with the query already filled.

Firing alerts also work from the real-time notifications bell in header.

The notification contains a brief message on a specific project and bellow the message is time of the change. After clicking Show Project, you can access the project in which the alert is.

As the name suggests: Mark as Read and Dismiss all.


Write a query, search Prometheus Metrics and preview the value needed.

Modify Step or Date.

Switch between Console and Graph for better results.

Backup Policy

After you Enable Backup, you have to create a Backup Policy. After clicking the Backup Policy button you get redirected to the new page, where you create a new policy with Add Policy button.

Name - choose a name for your backup (3-30 characters)

Retention period - how long you want to keep the backup (format e.g. 72h)

Cron period - how often you want to do the backup

  • predefined - choose from selection from the most common periods

  • custom - if you want to specify your own period (format * * * * *)

    • e.g. every hour - 0 * * * *; daily - 0 0 * * *, weekly on Sunday - 0 0 * * 0

      crontab guru with examples

Add Include/Exclude Namespace - specify the special requests that you want to include or exclude from the backup, at least one must be filled

The backup is done with a snapshot method - backup copy used to create the entire copy of servers every chosen time period.

There are three tabs:


In Schedules you can find overview of your backup policy.


Backups contain backups from schedules.


Overview of restores from Backups.


Dashboard is accessible only if cluster is created and monitoring is enabled.

Here you can see graphs with Memory and CPU usage for the project. You can also add Query you want.

Name - choose name for your query (e.g. My Query)

Expression - fill in Metrics data (e.g. node_procs_running)

Description - describe your query (e.g. Node Process Running)

Category Name - choose category for your query (e.g. Nodes)

Last updated