Project Details - VMs
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By clicking VMs button in Servers page or VMs View in Project page you are redirected to the VMs Servers. Here you can see all virtual machines for the project with their description.
Under Servers title is a brief description of the project - such as Project Name (with locked/unlocked image), Project Status, Cloud Type or Cloud Credentials.
When there is some operation going on, you can also see here ETC=Estimated Time to Complete. It is approx time (in minutes) until the cluster will be completed.
Every Server is described by ID, Name, Flavor, IP Address, Public IP Address, Status, Profile, Image and Created. If you expand the table, you can see the last modification made (Created By, Last Modified, Last Modified By).
Server status can be:
Pending Delete
Pending Upgrade
Sends the changes to the repository.
Once the cluster is committed you will see ETC in project info.
When the server/s are Failed, use repair button.
For creating the VM: Image has to be bound and Stanalone Profile has to be created. Please contact your manager if these are empty.
Server Name - only alphanumeric characters and dash are allowed, 1-30 characters
Letters must be lowercase!
Flavor - choose from the list of offered flavors (e.g. n0.large)
Image - choose from the list of offered images (e.g. ubuntu-20.04)
Volume Size - minimal size is automatically filled in when you select image, you can only increase the volume size number
Volume Type - optional, choose from drop down selection
Profile - choose Standalone profile
Count - how many VMs you want to create
Public IP - check if you want to enable public IP
Cloud-init - optional, if set it will override the ssh key from standalone profile
Tags - enter Key and Value
Disks - enter Name, choose Size and select Volume Type
To create a new server clickbutton and fill all the fields. You, as user, can't delete servers - think twice which and how many servers you want to create.
If the project is locked, you can't use Commit, Repair or Add VM.