My Profile

My Information and Settings

My Information

Here you can see your User Name, Organization Name, E-mail and Role.


In Settings section you can:

  • Change your password*

  • Change your e-mail

  • Enable e-mail notifications from Taikun

  • Delete Account

*Password should contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 non alphanumeric and be minimum 6 signs long.

Change E-mail

You just need to type your new e-mail, which you want to use in the future.

Your e-mail address is changed but not confirmed, which is indicated with red cross✖️next to your e-mail in My Information.

Clicking the Confirm E-Mail button will send the confirmation token to the e-mail address provided by you. Use the link in the mail to confirm your mail. If the link redirects you to homepage of Taikun, please login first and click the link in the e-mail again.

Token expires after 1 hour and then you need to send it with Confirm E-mail button again.

You can't change e-mail address until your current one is confirmed.

Change Password

To change your password, you have to insert your current password (old) and new (different) one.

Password should contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 non alphanumeric and minimum length is 6 signs.

If you receive an error during changing the password, please check it meets the conditions.

After confirming the password (by clicking the update button), you are logged off and need to log in with the new password.

Delete Account

If you no longer wish to use Taikun, permanently delete your account. You will lose all access to Taikun.


See information about your organization, you can also update them here.

Upload logo in upper right corner of the page. This logo will redirects you to link provided in second column.

Choose background

Upload background image, which can be seen at login page.

For best result image should meet conditions below:

  • aspect ratio 1:1

  • no text

  • left center position - the image will be cropped bottom, top and right if needed

  • lower resolution of screen - reduction 1:50, will be more cropped

Last updated