Billing Rules

Create and Manage Rules

Create a Rule, assign it to the organization and see the result in Chargeback.

Rules can be sorted by Name, Metric Name, Created and Type.

By clicking arrow > you can expand the table to see Created By, Last Modified and Last Modified By.

New Rule

Name - Rule name

Metric Name - exact metric name from Prometheus (e.g. volumes, flavor, networks) you want to bill, if you select Billing credentials first, you can choose from drop-down selection (wit autocomplete)

Bind rule to organization - assign rule to selected organization or choose none and bind it later

Billing Credentials - drop-down of operation credentials

Type - drop-down: Count (calculate package as unit - e.g. flavors) or Sum (calculate per quantity - e.g. GBs)

Price - billing in CZK per selected unit

Price Rate - in percents (0-1000 %), 100 equals one

Add Label - The label indicates the variable name (Label) and value of the label (Label Value), see the Table 1 below

Table 1: Labels in Billing Rules


Label Value







Once you bind the organization the cron job starts to calculate. The billing starts at the beginning of every hour and once it's bound to organization, it can't be paused.


Change the properties of the rule.

Select the organization you want to assign the rule and then click the assign button. If you choose a new organization the billing starts from the beginning of next hour.

✏️Edit Prometheus Info

Update the rule and change the parameters.

When creating similar rule, when you want to change just one or few parameters, you can use copy button - window with copied parameters will pop-up.

Delete the rule if no longer needed.

Last updated