Backup Credentials
Create Credentials to Enable Backup
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Create Credentials to Enable Backup
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Select organization for a better overview of servers for individual projects.
Organization - choose organization from drop-down selection
S3 Name - name for backup credentials (3-30 characters)
Fill the remaining S3 data from Amazon and add new backup credentials. See endpoints from AWS.
Invalid S3 credentials error can pop up if you fill in wrong/non-existent credentials.
After you add the credentials, you can backup the project by Enable Backup and add Backup Policy.
Use the search field for finding the credentials needed.
Every Credential has its:
S3 Access Key ID
S3 Endpoint
S3 Name
Associated Projects
ID and Organization are immutable.
S3 Access Key ID, S3 Endpoint and S3 Name are security credentials.
In Associated Projects are listed all projects using these backup credentials.
Created By informs you who has made the last change.
Look here, if you don't know where to find your AWS credentials.
By expanding the table, you can see the last modification made (Last Modified, Last Modified By).
For some example see Guidelines - Backup.
Make default - choose credentials which will be then filled during project creation, lighter color indicates selected credentials
/Lock/Unlock Credential - if you lock the Credentials, you disable it for Backup and cannot be deleted. Unlock it to enable it again.
Delete - you can delete only empty Backup Credentials