Cloud Credentials

Add, Update, Lock/Unlock or Delete Clouds

Select organization for a better overview of Cloud Credentials.

See all projects for each hosting provider:

  • AWS

  • Azure

  • OpenStack

Cloud can be empty but also may include multiple projects. Each Cloud has different specifics, can be sorted differently and some columns can be expanded.

You can expand all tables to see the last modification made (Created By, Last Modified, Last Modified By).


✏️Update Cloud Credentials - change the credentials which are not locked

  • you can also filter Azure usage quotas by cpu, storage, gallery or general

New Cloud Credentials

Requirements for Openstack

For a good working OpenStack in Taikun, you have to create image in OpenStack. Requirement is an Ubuntu 20 image and we recommend using a recent kernel, e.g. a base Ubuntu image with hwe kernel here:

To use the image in Taikun you have to use the tags "taikun" and "ubuntu{number}”. By default Taikun will take image with the latest {number}.

Command to add an image to openstack:openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public --tag taikun --tag ubuntu20.04 --property hw_disk_bus=scsi --property hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi taikun-focal-image --file taikun-image.qcow2

See Projects - Create A New Project or Guidelines - Add Cloud Credentials.

Last updated