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To access Kubernetes go to Projects - Servers - K8s Info or use the K8's buttonin Projects.
In Kubernetes tab can be found:
Message, Reason, Status and Type
Deamon Set
Namespace, Name, Status and Age
Persistent Volume Claim
Namespace, Name, Phase, Size, Storage Class Name and Age
Namespace, Name, Status and Age
Config Map
Namespace, Name and Age
Namespace, Name and Age
Namespace, Name, Status and Age
Namespace, Name, Type, External IP and Age
Namespace, Name, Node Name, Age, Status, Restart Count, Kill Pod, Terminal and Logs
Namespace, Name, Hosts and Age
CRD (Custom Resource Definition)
Name, Group, List Kind, Spec name kind, Labels and Age
PDB (Pod Disruption Budgets)
Namespace, Name and Created At
*Please do NOT deploy any apps in monitoring Service, because Taikun uses the monitoring namespace heavily! And if you disable the monitoring, all pvc in monitoring will be deleted.
You can use sort buttons or search button in each section for easier search.
Except Pods tab are all tabs for preview only.
Open Terminal to control remotely your container/s.
Logs record events happening in cluster. You can check the logs for more details. To search the logs visit Projects - Project Details - Logs.
Show description - for all tabs except Nodes
In Pods tab pod can be killed with kill pod button.